Your Folding Options.

Fold Over Business Cards offer more space for information than traditional Business Cards, as they open to reveal a surface area double the size. They often have traditional Business Card information on the front and offer important business information on the interior. They are scored down the middle for easy “Half-Fold”. See Below.

Half-Fold. A fold in half, vertically or horizontally.

Tri-Fold. A fold where a three panel piece has both side sections folded inward, one on top of the other each section is approximately 1/3 the length of the piece. Also known as a C-fold or letter-fold.

Half-Tri-Fold. A sheet is folded in half and then tri-folded.

Z-Fold. A paper fold represented by back and forth folds into three panels.

Gate Fold. When both sides of an oversize page fold into the gutter in overlapping layers.

Double-Gate-Fold. Single gate fold, with an additional fold on the center.

Accordion-Fold. A sheet which has been printed on only one side then folded twice in right angles to form a W-shaped four page uncut section. Accordion folds are offered as 4 and 5 panels.

4-Panel-Roll-Fold. A type of fold where the piece is folded inward at one end and then folded inward again one or more times. It is as if you are rolling the piece up.

Quarter-Fold. This option creates four two-sided panels with the first fold horizontal and the second vertical. This creates a finished piece that is 1/4 the size of the printed sheet before being folded with the same orientation and aspect ratio the sheet had before folding. Commonly, this option is used to create four one-sided panels of information with a single, large graphic (such as a map) spanning the sheet on the reverse side when fully open.

Double-Paralel-Fold. This option creates four two-sided panels with the folds oriented vertically. Note that two panels are folded inside and will be hidden until the brochure is opened.

Map-Fold. This option is ideal for larger sheets. It folds both vertically and horizontally to meet your specifications. Generally, only two panels are visible until the brochure is opened.

11×17-Fold-to #10 Envelope. This option creates six two-sided panels and folds to fit inside a #10 envelope. Note that four panels are folded inside and will be hidden until the brochure is opened.